Event Sponsorships

The National Association of Landscape Professionals events are a great way to network, interact face-to-face, and build relationships with landscape and lawn care company owners as well as the next generation of future customers.

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What People Are Saying...

As an industry leader STIHL Inc. believes that membership in the National Association of Landscape Professionals (formerly PLANET) and sponsorship of a variety of the association events is a vital part of our business. Our association with the National Association of Landscape Professionals allows us to build relationships with the top companies and future leaders of the green industry. Whether it is interacting with college students at the National Collegiate Landscape Competition or our youngest landscapers at Renewal and Remembrance, supporting professional education through the annual convention or student education through the National Association of Landscape Professionals Foundation, promoting advocacy through the PAC, or good will through National Association of Landscape Professionals Gives Back, we believe that being part of the association is the right thing to do for our business, our industry and our communities."

Roger Phelps, Promotional Communications Manager, STIHL, PLANET Landscape Industry Certified Manager

A partnership with National Association of Landscape Professionals (formerly PLANET) is a partnership with the industry. The support National Association of Landscape Professionals brings to the current business environment through training, certification, resources, industry development, student education and legislative representation provides sustainable value to the industry and supporting partners. Husqvarna finds great value in National Association of Landscape Professionals supported events and opportunities to network with industry leaders and stakeholders. Networking allows us a valuable opportunity to gain insights, address industry and customers inquiries and develop future plans based on end user feedback."

Gent Simmons, Husqvarna