Get Involved in Industry Advocacy

Become an Advocate - Sign up for news and alerts

Throughout the year, we do grassroots pushes through our Voices for Healthy Green Spaces action center asking for your help contacting your elected officials. When we share a link and ask you to send a letter to your representatives, you can do that in minutes through our grassroots action center.  Also, visit VHGS anytime and you can view your profile and see all the actions you've taken - and get the latest on industry issues. We invite you and all your team members to participate.

Subscribe to the Weekly Advocate Newsletter

If you aren’t receiving the Advocate in your inbox every Friday, then subscribe now to stay up to date on the latest regulatory and legislative news that impacts lawn care and landscape companies. It’s completely free to NALP members. Stay in the know and take action when we have active messaging campaigns to legislators.

Join our Advocacy Contact Team (ACT TEAM) Volunteer Advocates

The success of our advocacy at the State and Local level depends on the outreach of lawn care and landscape company representatives in their own communities. We invite you to become a member of the Advocacy Contact Team (ACT).  You’ll get insider briefings on legislative and regulatory issues that are pending (and problematic) in your state.  When we need “boots on the ground” assistance, we’ll work with you to help advocate for our industry.  For more information about joining the volunteer ACT team, email Bob Mann.