Contact: Lisa Stryker
Phone: 540-729-2114
Email: [email protected]

NALP to Separate From GIE+EXPO in 2022 

FAIRFAX, Va. (January 10, 2020) –The National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP) announced today that beginning in 2022, it will separate its annual meeting, LANDSCAPES, from GIE+EXPO and will host its own stand-alone conference.

For more than a decade, NALP has held its annual meeting in Louisville in conjunction with GIE+EXPO. Before that, the association hosted an annual meeting and exposition (the Green Industry Expo) which traveled to different cities. 

“We’ve enjoyed a strong partnership with the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, and we continue to work together on government relations and other important industry issues,” said Britt Wood, NALP CEO, “but the time has come to provide members with a new annual meeting experience, so beginning in 2022, our conference will move to different cities.”

NALP has assembled a planning task force, including industry suppliers and manufacturers, lawn care, maintenance, and design-build professionals, to provide guidance and input into the design of the new conference.  Member input is also being gathered to ensure that the conference provides the best education and networking opportunities while incorporating local facility tours and the latest innovations. 

“We look forward to opening up new opportunities for attendees as we create the future NALP Annual Meeting experience, beginning in 2022,” said Wood. “In the meantime, we are focused on providing innovative and exceptional LANDSCAPES conferences for the next two years in Louisville.”

About NALP

The National Association of Landscape Professionals represents an industry of approximately 1 million landscape, lawn care, irrigation, and tree care professionals. Through national advocacy campaigns, the association is growing the industry and its workforce. NALP offers its members professional development through education, networking, and training, certification and accreditation programs. For more information about NALP, visit Also, visit the consumer site,, or visit to explore career opportunities.